Jakarta Metropolutan - Compilation

Jakarta Metropolutan - Compilation

Year: 2008
Genre: Indie, Pop, Mix, Compilation
Quality: 128 Kbps

Track List:

  1. Bondi Ned Hansel - F.M.A
  2. Fill 'n Feel - Gigs
  3. Harmacy (Malaysia) - The Only One
  4. It's Different Class - Matahari
  5. Jude - Better Life
  6. Kilau Friday - Mari Berdisko
  7. Ladyrose - Subway
  8. Medical Clinic - Miss Perfect
  9. Sixpopers - Duka
  10. Stupid Robotic Killing Machine - Bersedia.. Siap.. Ya..
  11. Sweet Coffee From Narsih - Mango
  12. The Kucruts - Cinta Waria
  13. The Modest - Afternoon Delight
  14. Universe - Wrong

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